I need YOU!

Message to ALL my Facebook and YouTube friends! PLEASE READ 😍  I need your support for my youtube channel youtube.com/mikeylast and please please click the big subscribe button! Or this link should subscribe you: youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=mikeylast

This is NOT for commercial or business reasons, it’s art. I found my creative voice again, I am returning to making short films but this time- for fun, for thrills, to create, to explore, to connect, to reach out, to be a storyteller, good reasons! I will shortly post the first from a series of short films, hopefully they will tickle you in some small way, and I hope they might be curious and interesting to you – like they were for me to produce and shoot. About life here in South East Asia. About life back there in England. About family. About love. About yoga. About people. About my friends. About places. About change, evolution, reversing the aging process. My thoughts and philosophies. The world around and about. Why I have so much energy, passion, and happiness.

I am going to make films about all these things, and the first of them is a 15 minute Op-Doc, its an introduction from me about why i’m doing what i’m doing, and a time-stamped memory from a beautiful day captured on video 13 years ago with my granny & grandad, who are now in a different place. Its finished. It’s ready.

But first I am reaching out to all you beautiful friends to subscribe to my channel. You can watch the back catalogue of music video already uploaded but really I just would LOVE to have your support for my new projects because – well I am just so excited to share this stuff. I used to make these long-form music documentaries and while they look a little old to me now – there’s still some neat work- Nick Harper, Ten to Never, Melody Shaiken. But now It really feels that I found a new voice- my voice. I currently have 64 subscribers, of course if only one person is inspired by tuning in then that is just a blessing. But my aim, my dream is to have 500 subscribers, PLEASE HELP! (You can even mute the channel feed / new emails so you never hear a peep from me afterwards) 😁


Oh and P.S. if you fancy to maybe you can also ‘like’ my Mike Last artist page facebook.com/mikelastfilm/ here on facebook – it is for this new video channel 😘